'Club people' ourselves, it follows that the events we run at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse are very much geared towards clubs and enthusiasts. If you belong to an official club, Facebook group, forum or simply a group of friends who are into camping, then by all means contact us at about a club/group display stand at the upcoming show CAMPERLIFE@STRATFORD 13-15 June 2025.
The actual pitches are free (members simply book & pay for standard camping via Ticketsource but instead of being dotted around the show's campsites, upon arrival after having their ticket scanned, they simply inform the Gate Marshal they are on the X club/group display stand, they will then be directed to their respective pitch.
The criteria is simple ... six vehicles minimum per club/group. Here the club/group can not only promote themselves by displaying their best vehicles for the public to view during the show’s opening hours, it means they can also stay together at night by camping on one pitch all weekend. Pitch size is anything from 6 vehicles to 106, we have the space!
Clubs and organisations listed below regularly attend our events:-
101 Forward Control Club & Register -
Ambulance Camper Conversions UK -
Bohemian Friends - self build campervan group
DIY Expedition Equipment and Ideas Facebook Group -
Dollar $hort Outdoor Adventure Club -
Doncaster & District Land Rover Club
East Northants Land Rover Club -
Kulinarna Turystyka Offroadowa ( K.T.O. Polish Off Road Club) -
Land Cruiser Club
Landrover Marshall Ambulance Group -
Land Rover Series 2 Club (DACH) -
Leafers Overland Facebook Group -
Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club -
Low Intent (VW club) -
Mercedes Benz T2 Vario Owners Group -
Mitsubishi Delica Owners Club (MDOCUK) -
North Wales Land Rover Club - Clwb Land Rover Gogledd Cymru -
OAC Overland Adventure Club (Land Rover Club) -
Project Jay Preservation Group -
Royal Enfield Himalayan Owners UK
Sprinter 4x4 Appreciation Group -
Unconventional Campers via Richard Matthews -
Wigston 4x4 -
CALM (Countryside access for the Less Mobile) -
GLASS (Greenlane Association) -